Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Science & Reason

Science & Reason
By Ruth Espinoza

Wise is a profound understanding and realization of people, things, events or situations proceeding in the capacity to apply ideas, judgments and actions in maintaining with this understanding. It generally requires control of one’s emotional reactions so that principles, reason and knowledge to decide ones actions over time. In my opinion there should be some limits to how much we aspire to know. There are so many things out there in the world that is yet to be discovered and studied. The more we get involved into knowing then our ideas and conclusions of a concept start to change. Our meanings and forms of ideas start to shift and we do not know what is right or wrong and true or false. I understand if we keep striving for the right answer to questions, but some stuff will appear over time. That is how we grow in knowledge. It would be wise to keep it a certain extent, because yet were always striving to know. We are intelligent and some more than others. That is fine because it is not always troubling ones thoughts and idea. Intelligence is what we have learned and knowledge we have picked up but not much have experienced. Trying to know and competing for knowledge make us tense. If we depend or start to depend on knowledge, we will start being closed minded to new experience, so we would not know what to do. To avoid this it would be appropriate to stay open minded to all kinds of experiences, but still remain focused. With too much knowledge people would not know or have their own opinion. It will make one not happy with so much intelligence, and without so much would make you a happier less stressful person. We as people will start to depend too much on knowledge in our life, and be controlled and lose fact. Knowledge would bring us harm and trouble. “Ignorance is bliss” what you cannot know, would not hurt you-Thomas Gray. If a person is ignorant of the sciences, the contradicting information cannot challenge their belief. Being ignorant to certain things means you can go on being happy. If you knew every secret to every magic trick, then it would not be fun or a magic trick. It is like knowing the end of a movie. If you knew what everything in life, how would you find anything interesting? Since there is no curiosity, why would you want to live? With so much knowledge people will lose communication with less intelligent people because they are at a lower level of intelligence. Nothing would be wrong to them. There would be less satisfaction with one’s self along with the feeling of no success because everything is already known. We would not be able to take trips knowing there is so much danger out in the world. Taking risks would not be an option and you would not be spontaneous. I believe with large amounts of knowledge life would be dull and boring. It would be wise to have limits on how much we aspire to know.

1 comment:

  1. Fortunato, Group 3
    I believe you are right. Ignorance is most certainly a bliss that one can also be a blessing. It does not matter if you never find that answer to all of life's mysteries as long as you live you life happily. People nowadays are so competitive to know more than the other to gain an advantage that we forget to enjoy the smaller things in life. It does mean that we should not pursue some knowledge and understanding; learning to understand one another and one's culture is a mission all should pursue. In today's society, however, we seem to forget that and lose sight of what's important with the positive and just go by the bank assets. What kind of job you have, how much you make and what kind of car you're in seem to be the focus of society instead of trying to understand what's different between our religions. what I'm trying to get at is that we are intelligent, but we tend to want to know things that have to importance in our life and we choose to ignore that which can help us. And you make a good point when you say science wont help contradict one's belief if the person chooses not to pay attention to it. If religion helps people do good in their lives and be productive members of society by helping them get through the day, let them believe in what their beliefs and who cares if what they believe in is scientifically impossible. If one has something they aspire to, he or she should not be shot down and have a shot at reaching it taken away. Ultimate knowledge is a goal that we should all try to obtain; it doesn't mean we should though. An endless pursuit will keep humanity at its toes and not create a dull in boring world where there is nothing left to find out.
    Fortunato Group 3
