Monday, March 12, 2012

The greatest architectural civilization : Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt civilization took place in North eastern Africa , it was concentrated along the lower reaches  of the Nile river .This civilization occured around 3500 BCE.

The success of Ancient Egypt civilization came mainly from the high benefits of the Nile River Valley, its significant irrigation produced crops which fueled social development and culture .The nile river was also a source of mud used to build houses.

This particular civilization is well known for its fascinating architecture that is still standing almost
 intact and testifying  of its  great achievements including the amazing engineering  techniques that facilitated  the building of monumental pyramids and temples .
The Ancient Egyptian architecture was based on stones , back then they were very abundant and this availability must explain the giant proportions of these surviving buildings. Limestone and sandstone were easily quarried in nearby locations along the Nile cliffs. Harder stones such as granite ,basalt and quartzite were obtained from more remote regions .

The  Pyramids are the most famous structures in all Egypt , they are one the seven wonders of the World and also one of the greatest achievements of all time .These structures can be as tall as  482 feet (147m) high .They were built in the fourth dynasty of the old kingdom  , they are a symbol of high skilled engineering techniques and the power of the pharaonic religion.

The great pyramid of Giza was finished around 2580 BC is the oldest of the pyramids and the only surviving building of the seven wonders of the ancient world.The great pyramids are built of  solid limestone ,the blocks were cut so precisely , modern architect are so intrigued by the mathematical precision of the pyramids .Inside the pyramids , they are burials for mummified pharaohs .

Before the existence of  the pyramids , the pharaohs of the old kingdom used to be buried in tombs called the mastabas which means house for eternal life , they flat roofed , rectangular structure .
The mastabas are composed of two distinct parts :the chapel and the crypt.
The chapel is an offering room to make offering to the dead person , it is decorated with a false
door as a symbol linking the living with the dead .The halls were flanked of small rooms full
of provisions such as furnitures ,offerings.The crypt was highly decorated with scriptures and paintings that describes the afterlife concept.

Temple of luxor

The ancient Egyptians believed that temples were the homes of the gods and goddesses.
Every temple was dedicated  to  gods or goddesses worship .
These temples were made of stone so they would last forever ;their walls were covered with scenes that were carved onto then brightly painted.The most popular temple is the luxor temple located in the city today known as Luxor (ancient Thebes).

 The rich culture and monuments of egypt have left a timeless treasure that is still  fascinating  the whole world including the ancient civilizations like Greece and Rome even if  the european's colonization of Egypt destroyed an important portion of the monuments .

posted by sara ben amer

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